Smod - modbus/SCADA 安全检测工具




  基于SCADA(过程控制网络)系统从专有封闭的网络协议,近年来已经向开源解决方案和TCP / IP网络协议方向发展。这使得他们很容易面遭受传统的计算机网络相同的安全漏洞。Modbus / TCP协议就是一个这样的解决方案,他免费提供公共事业实施智能电网应用,并且被广泛应用于电力系统。



root@kali:~/smod# python

< SMOD >
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–=[MODBUS Penetration Test FrameWork
–+–=[Version : 1.0.1
–+–=[Modules : 14
–+–=[Coder : Farzin Enddo
–=[github :

SMOD >help
Command Description
——- ———–
back Move back from the current context
exit Exit the console
exploit Run module
help Help menu
show Displays modules of a given type, or all modules
set Sets a variable to a value
use Selects a module by name
SMOD >show modules
Modules Description
——- ———–
modbus/dos/galilRIO DOS Galil RIO-47100
modbus/dos/writeSingleCoils DOS With Write Single Coil Function
modbus/dos/writeSingleRegister DOS Write Single Register Function
modbus/function/readCoils Fuzzing Read Coils Function
modbus/function/readDiscreteInput Fuzzing Read Discrete Inputs Function
modbus/function/readExceptionStatus Fuzzing Read Exception Status Function
modbus/function/readHoldingRegister Fuzzing Read Holding Registers Function
modbus/function/readInputRegister Fuzzing Read Input Registers Function
modbus/function/writeSingleCoils Fuzzing Write Single Coil Function
modbus/function/writeSingleRegister Fuzzing Write Single Register Function
modbus/scanner/discover Check Modbus Protocols
modbus/scanner/getfunc Enumeration Function on Modbus
modbus/scanner/uid Brute Force UID
modbus/sniff/arp Arp Poisoning

  暴力破解Modbus UID

SMOD >use modbus/scanner/uid
SMOD modbus(uid) >show options
Name Current Setting Required Description
—- ————— ——– ———–
Function 1 False Function code, Defualt:Read Coils.
Output True False The stdout save in output directory
RHOSTS True The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT 502 False The port number for modbus protocol
Threads 1 False The number of concurrent threads
SMOD modbus(uid) >set RHOSTS
SMOD modbus(uid) >exploit
[+] Module Brute Force UID Start
[+] Start Brute Force UID on :
[+] UID on is : 10
SMOD modbus(uid) >


SMOD >use modbus/scanner/getfunc
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >show options
Name Current Setting Required Description
—- ————— ——– ———–
Output True False The stdout save in output directory
RHOSTS True The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT 502 False The port number for modbus protocol
Threads 1 False The number of concurrent threads
UID None True Modbus Slave UID.
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >set RHOSTS
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >set UID 10
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >exploit
[+] Module Get Function Start
[+] Looking for supported function codes on
[+] Function Code 1(Read Coils) is supported.
[+] Function Code 2(Read Discrete Inputs) is supported.
[+] Function Code 3(Read Multiple Holding Registers) is supported.
[+] Function Code 4(Read Input Registers) is supported.
[+] Function Code 5(Write Single Coil) is supported.
[+] Function Code 6(Write Single Holding Register) is supported.
[+] Function Code 7(Read Exception Status) is supported.
[+] Function Code 8(Diagnostic) is supported.
[+] Function Code 15(Write Multiple Coils) is supported.
[+] Function Code 16(Write Multiple Holding Registers) is supported.
[+] Function Code 17(Report Slave ID) is supported.
[+] Function Code 20(Read File Record) is supported.
[+] Function Code 21(Write File Record) is supported.
[+] Function Code 22(Mask Write Register) is supported.
[+] Function Code 23(Read/Write Multiple Registers) is supported.
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >


SMOD >use modbus/function/readCoils
SMOD modbus(readCoils) >show options
Name Current Setting Required Description
—- ————— ——– ———–
Output True False The stdout save in output directory
Quantity 0x0001 True Registers Values.
RHOSTS True The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT 502 False The port number for modbus protocol
StartAddr 0x0000 True Start Address.
Threads 1 False The number of concurrent threads
UID None True Modbus Slave UID.
SMOD modbus(readCoils) >set RHOSTS
SMOD modbus(readCoils) >set UID 10
SMOD modbus(readCoils) >exploit
[+] Module Read Coils Function Start
[+] Connecting to
[+] Response is :
###[ ModbusADU ]###
transId = 0x2
protoId = 0x0
len = 0x4
unitId = 0xa
###[ Read Coils Answer ]###
funcCode = 0x1
byteCount = 1L
coilStatus= [0]
SMOD modbus(readCoils) >


